[Misc] Airlock (Aliens Win)

Well… a Pet has a Level 2, meaning that the odds of killing him is 2/3.
So… *shrug*

I don’t think that’s how it works
I’m pretty sure that’s your offence chance.

:hocho: % =/= :shield: %

There you go cloned

Wait what the heck do the numbers on the spreadsheet mean then

…has geralt talked yet?

Big fat nope

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:sun_with_face: :hocho: :cat2: = :shield:

Idk what spreadsheet

But if youre talking about the dropbox stuff

Those are power levels i think

Day Status:

Current Captain: Wazza :flying_saucer:

Replacement Captain Nominee Nominated By Voted By Votes
Appelsiini Wazza None 0/6
Airlock Nominee Nominated By Voted Yes Voted No Yes Votes Currently in the Airlock?
Appelsiini Apprentice None Zone_Q11 0 No
Italy KyoDaz KyoDaz None 1 No
Voters Seeking to Progress to Warp Phase Votes
Cannot vote for Warp yet 0/7

App is dead, but his nomination is still accepted?

Yes, as it was made while he was alive

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/vote no on Appel

…well, okay then.


I think I finally get it

Finally, eh?
Took you long enough.

Not talking to you

Uh… so basically… the numbers? You’re rolling against yourself. If you try to murder someone, if your number is a… 5, for example, you have to roll like a 4 or lower I think. If you do, you kill your target

I… think?


It’s if your number is 5, you need to roll a 5 or higher

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