[Misc] Airlock (Aliens Win)

but ask yourself this
if magnus is queen turned evil biologist trying to get me killed to at least make some impact
why didn’t they just infect the 5/6 murder chance superdeathimmune empath

Sure. Shit on me and my role all you want, but I literally got a Quarter Master (who’s currently not online) to back me up that Mole is the Predator.

If I was an alien, this would mean that I essentially threw the game by bussing the one alien that can kill two people in one night!

Well if either me or zone is mafia then it seems best for me to claim?

okay have you forgotten the whole “infected” part

the night ability that changes your alignment
that exists

Go for it,

I am still wondering why the **** I am not converted!

@Appelsiini, @an_gorta_pratai
Tell me what I told you during my first whisper of This Day.

hi PKR
i’m getting myself killed to prove my identity

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…actually, wasn’t there someone who occ’ed Magnus? There was Appel who occ’ed Apprentice, and then there was…

…son of a bitch, don’t tell me. CHEESE!?


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@clonedcheese, out your role RIGHT NOW!

…oh. Right. Wazza. Not Cheese.


I already have a few Cloned-is-the-convert theories for you-know-reasons, but I still haven’t made conclusion. Can you all just chill

if there’s a medical officer
a mechanically confirmed and alive pet would be a pretty gamer moment

my passives apply while dead anyways

you didn’t censor this, this makes me sad.

Oh, am I supposed to?

You’ve already got it though.

…there is one.

revive italy :pog: