[Misc] Airlock (Aliens Win)

I was though? I was trans’ed into the Queen by Magnus and Wazza.

The informant is just undetectable by the Biologist. The Pet, the Hybrid, the Engineer, the Medical Officer and the Communication Officer can still check them.

annoyed sigh

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What do you mean?

Eh I stand corrected. I was hoping the game would end right then and there.
Nope we still have an ongoing game here folks. Lets deduce this.

the informant is the only warrior who causes aliens to win at the secret destination
otherwise, crew wins

Oh… I see it now.

So if Zone was the queen as Zone said.
Then please whoever used to be the queen, come out, say who you converted or whatnot.
So we can blast them into non-existence.

we both know that one won’t work

Why not?
That person is no longer an alien queen, so they should just say it :slight_smile:
We got rid of the queen they used to be and now they’re a good guy.

/Whisper Italy

Please just accept <3


/Request whisper App



Well… there is one fake Science Officer who–
…why is Mole whispering to Apprentice?

I have 0 clue but the PKR paranoia meter is going off the charts.

/Whisper Zone

Can I do that??

Yeah. Let’s.


@Zone_Q11 breaking the whisper here btw.
So let’s keep talking.

Eh… I don’t wanna follow the plan. Seems too flawed no matter how I see it.

Well, you sure are fun :stuck_out_tongue:
Anyway… if I have to pick out the queen. Let me think…

Not the queen, but the old one.