[Misc] Airlock (Aliens Win)

if you wanna talk unbalanced imagine a class that literally can’t die at night

You have a 1 shot 5/6 chance murder.
Predator is just kill power maniac level.

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predator’s murder is the same

Yeah. Imagine if that role were to be converted…

Well the Predator is already dead as a door nail who was Moleland.

Predator has murders built into their own card.


predator lacks the secret destination wincon

only warrior who wins at the secret destination is the informant

I am so damn paranoid rn about everything.
I’m tempted to shoot but we don’t have much info.
Also no info will be gained tonight because we know what Italy will flip…

And also… my murder chance is shit.

@Italy, what do you mean?

I’d have more colorful things to say after realising Zone wasn’t Alien queen, yet the risk of appearing in #justiceFOL is too much of a risk.

The :biohazard: symbol iirc.

2nd time that is.

warriors only have one secret destination class so their best bet is to clear out the ship before they run out of time
parasites benefit from getting deep into towncore and town not being able to make decisions

I feel like the reason I wasn’t converted was because of how hard I did my things.
Like I guided every class lol

Murder chance means the chance of your death?

it’s because crich protected you from conversion, actually

the chance of you killing someone

pet and predator having the highest