[Misc] Airlock (Aliens Win)

s h o v e l

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Fun fact: converts are LWs. This means that, instead of looking for association, we should look for people who suddenly lost WiM

We are looking for the Alien alignment Biologist.
As Zone, unless Zone was lying… was biologist who got swapped with the Queen.

This is NOT a convert.
Therefore I am looking in the unconfirmed people as the PoE.
Do not try it.

If the Alien Biologist is alive they have a convert by now which makes two of them

Doesn’t Biologist have a day concert though? And I think Queen has a day or a night convert

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inb4 zone is pro gamer biologist who infected himself and memed us

Convert, not concert

We look for the first alien first.
The alien biologist.
Then we can oust the convert.
It is not rocket science guys.
Like seriously…

And as I said I can prove I am still the Comms Officer and not Biologist by using my one-time ability

So I think we’re looking at 2 possible converts here

Then my internal 50/50 was chosen correctly :slight_smile:

queen gets a night convert if there’s no airlock
one free convert w/o class change, which can be cured
biologist can completely overrun the ship with alien aligned players

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Oust the person who can convert and the final pieces will slowly topple down.
I do not see why y’all are suspecting me for what seems like a logical thing to my mind.

So CRichard, Light or gorta are the biologist then
Well I suggest we hurry up and take care of them because they’re going to be converting tomorrow as well

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I wonder what I tried to do :thinking:

It’s just determining which one of them is getting by with mechanical bullshittery
What is CRichard’s claim

And what I wanted done for the airlock but couldnt get because Italy had priority 1 activate.

He claimed to protect me.
So I believe… guard?

CRich claims guard

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So in a sense they are now at 2 alien aligned players and if we don’t murder the Biologist today they’re going to be at 3 with ANOTHER convert

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