[Misc] Airlock (Aliens Win)



I meant this.

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reminder that between the armed humans, the swarm of aliens, and the literal fucking PREDATOR
a random cat is still the most dangerous creature on the ship

ā€¦maybe the computer loses its shit whenever it finds the pet for a reason

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Maybe because itā€™s coded to respond to humanoids.

cats are definitely not humanoid

Nya~ Senpai-Kun, I am a Neko.
But arenā€™t I your pet? uwu

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this makes the computer instantly airlocking pet with the highest priority unstoppably a lot more realistic


Maybe because the computer thinks the pet is alien.

then why couldnā€™t it just find the actual aliens

Because they look human.
Same reason we canā€™t just look at each other and know whoā€™s alien.

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Thatā€™s obvious, the computer isnā€™t programmed to recognise aliens.

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cats are like
normal every day things
just 'cause thereā€™s some aliens on your ship doesnā€™t mean you need to felicette me

Maybe the aliens look like cats, then.

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i think the predator looks more like the predator

And what does that look like?

youā€™ve never seen The Predator?

Donā€™t think so, no.

