[Misc] Airlock (Aliens Win)

Do not forget, you can skip the day.
Italy is locked into the airlock for today, guns have been used or at least almost all of them have been.

Magnus, do not forget to swap me to bring me back to life.
K thx bye~

So the plan is for PKR to be revived and hopefully we get the convert tomorrow which means gg hopefully.


And I will stay the same alignment I am now when I come back.
So if I get swapped to Biologist, I would be a crew biologist.

Crew Bio (Zone) -> Alien Bio (?) -> Crew Bio (Me)
It’s awesome.

Imagine being Zone.
Getting a great role, deciding to just power your way through the game to getting all the roles… and then you become an evil class, good alignment, get killed, and basically be vanilla for the rest of the game.


Yep lol

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/Vote Progress to Warp Phase

Anything else to be said?

I’m going out on the wedding and N.1 is also unavilable.

In case you vote warp skip, ping @Icibalus

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imagine being italy
getting the strongest mechanical class
and dying to grudges and the very people you have greenchecked

Hello, I will be your clueless backup mod-thingy. I’ve been briefed as to my directives and will perform them as best as possible!


your directive is to kill me


Your post restriction would be too much for me.

Can you proceed my vote please?

pet is designed to be insanely powerful mechanically, but horrible socially

just imagine if italy was a class

was i a good pet

Wait Italy.
You wrote to murder me earlier, not shoot.
You breached the contract

the contract is flawed

You were flawed.

I enjoyed ya as the pet.
Glad I managed to interpret you a bit.