[Misc] Airlock (Aliens Win)

Is this addressed to anyone?

In general and in specific. Yes

Why do I feel itā€™s addressed to me?

I will say that I am playing to my wincon, but I will take the hint

Everyone is still apparently in whisper land, since Gortaā€™s been talking to himself for a while now.

Do you have any strong reads as of now?

If this is still relevant, could you elaborate on this?

There seems to be a lot of mech info going around, and either weā€™re real lucky orā€¦ weā€™re not. Iā€™m interested to see what happens when that info gets out.

Not many, but either Italy/Light is an alien and there is likely an alien in the ā€œmech clearsā€

Italy has the most potential to be the real claim out of the two and I really donā€™t like yā€™alls interactions yesterday


This is what I wanted you to elaborate on. Why?

Mod announcement:

Mew is ridiculously overpower as first pokemon in SnS.

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Itā€™s just too damn convenient and easy to fake claim as. ā€œHey guys, my neighbors totally arenā€™t aliens and I will be checked as an alien if you check meā€

give me some time for that

SON OF A *****, @Apprentice @Appelsiini YOU BOTH ARE IN A THUNDERDOME!

Situation with Apprentice:
He beat around the bushes for A WHOLE HOUR, only to claim to be the Science Officer.
He claims that the Predator is not in the game, but that is impossible because Appelsiini claimed to be the Galley Officer who occā€™ed Apprentice!

My Situation:
I GOT TRANSā€™ED INTO THE QUEEN, AND I NEED THE TRANSPORTER CHIEF TO OUT THEMSELVES. Either Appel or Apprentice should be the Alien, and I need the Trans Chief to out whether one of them is the OG Queen!

/whisper Zone


Something funky, I literally already said that

thunderdome time bois

Wait Appel claims to have occupied me? Can Appel confirm this?


O u c h. I was right in trusting my gut, then.

I do confirm. I briefly discussed with Zone about who I was going to occ yesterday, and ended up with you as I didnā€™t like your lack of content.

yeah I wasnā€™t occupied lmfao. I would literally be informed of this and not woken up