[Misc] Airlock (Aliens Win)

Alright, thanks for confirming you’re scum. Now I know Zone wasn’t pulling some big-brain shenanigans, at least.

@Appelsiini @Apprentice
Nominate each other. NOW.
Today will be 100% a thunderdome between the both of you.

/nominate Apprentice for airlock

/nominate Appelsiini for airlock

/vote Appelsiini for airlock



Right, gotta vote too.

/vote Apprentice for airlock

/Whisper Zone

haha, me having a double vote still.


By the way, there’s a reason I want to kill Apprentice over Appel today.

Apprentice claimed to me yesterday, meaning that they wouldn’t be able to retract their claim to Zone.

actually this is a thing

/shoot @Appelsiini


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Zone can confirm that I suspected one of these people besides you, and that’s the whole reason I decided to suddenly question you in the first place. You had just kind of been there for the whole day without engaging, and your responses got me to question myself a little bit; but I also thought about the fact that an alien had most likely just been killed, so it would make sense the remaining aliens would want to stay UTR.

You can’t vote yet :eyes:

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Yup, kill App next. Wanting to get rid of me before we can make our cases and prove he’s scum.

if I was an Alien I literally could’ve just claimed to have been occupied because I would’ve known. Why the hell would I thunderdome for no reason and speaking of why did Appel?

you claimed to occ me and you didn’t

If you were town, you would be explaining why you’re town and why I’m scum instead of immediately shooting me. In a flipless game.

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Apprentice, I also occed you, I’m a completely different role but I did the same. @Zone_Q11 can confirm lol.