[Misc] Airlock (Aliens Win)

No, Difficulty Class means meets it beats it. Greater than or equal to.

I expressly forbid you from responding to that second statement Zone

Yep. …and whoever was the OG Queen is now the Biologist.
…who can also convert other people immediately during Day Phase.
…in other words: Pray that the Queen is Magnus, who has yet to be online so far.

*waits for results*


confusion I thought PKR was the Biologist

/whisper @Zone_Q11

You know, it has been established that the Ambassador is in play, which caused the Predator and the Queen to be in play as well. The worst thing that can happen to us right now is if there are four starting aliens, with the last alien being one of the Warriors.

Otherwise, we should have this game covered.

What would the third alien be?

Oh Apprentice

Kill me please

Nope. He and I swapped roles in order to protect me which still fails in the end because the damn Transporter Chief targeted me out of all people.




I’m just laughing internally at the image of N rolling some die irl and getting snakeeyes

I meant I beat people at a lot of things*

Sorry, I’m tired and suffering with the lack of being able to walk properly.

/shoot @Apprentice

Can I even do this?

I mean if they shoot you it’s mutiny

space pirates whee

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Good news: Mole can’t shoot anyone.

Are we allowed to shoot ourselves
