[Misc] Airlock (Aliens Win)

I’m Transporter Chief.

You transported Zone with someone else then?

I transported Zone with Italy, actually.

Second Warp ability.


Well that’s interesting.

This isn’t a tunnel. Zone does tunnels. I don’t do tunnels.

Isn’t this exactly what newbscum does? Overreacts at the slightest bit of pressure, and then TMI’s their pusher as town?

I find it interesting how Italy is still posting in emojis.
Do warp abilities not take effect immediately?

Are you saying I’m overreacting to your scum read on me?
If so then it’s clear our definitions of overreacting are different.
There is no TMI in my town read as I read as town lean before you pushed me.

Well, if you’re claiming that you swapped them with Zone, they never were Pet to begin with.

Also why is Zone not posting in emojis as per Pet restrictions?
They should have been jettisoned already if that were the case.

Calling a single statement a tunnel is a bit of an overreaction I’d say

Did you though?

Which calls for a thunderdome between Magnus and Italy, naturally.

So if they take effect immediately, it means Italy isn’t Pet.

Didn’t you say it’d be too risky for evils to claim Pet? 100% or 0%?

Except Zone said he was swapped.
He claimed Queen, right?

That was without the knowledge that this was flipless. More on the 0% than the 100%.

He did, but I don’t see why the thunderdome would include Zone. Zone is obviously not Pet, therefore either you’re lying about swapping Zone and Italy, or Italy is lying about being Pet. Seem simple enough?

Except this isn’t the first time you’ve stated to have scum read me.

That is correct, my town lean has no TMI even though I didn’t post otherwise before SoD2.
I mean your motivation for pushing me is blatantly town here.

Glad we’re clear on this