[Misc] Airlock (Aliens Win)

For me to be lying, this means me and Zone and Italy would all need to be evil for this to not be countered by the true Chief, if this was a lie. Clearly, this did not happen.
Therefore, I should be confirmed, and Zone should also be confirmed, and Italy should be executed.

And Zone can no longer accuse me of being ‘evil’ based off not giving claims.
I delayed long enough to confirm myself.

Nope, just you and Zone.

More importantly, I would not be surprised in the slightest if this was an FPS by Zone, and his role wasn’t switched.

I have a feeling that what Geralt has to say will either confirm or contradict you here.
Lets wait and see.

And put unnecessary suspicion on us both immediately without whispering?

What’s Geralt?

Zone has much more towncred than you, so shrug
Geralt has been MIA all day

Geralt was apparently green checked by Italy D1.
Though I’d like to see him post more as his absence is becoming quite noticeable.

Problem: Magnus is claiming that Italy wasn’t Pet

Clearly Magnus and Italy can’t both be telling the truth here.
I think that if we kill both Magnus and Italy, cure Zone if his claim he was swapped is true Ship wins gg.

Why is town so idiotic here?

I’m saying Italy wasn’t Pet, but was Queen. I swapped him and Zone. Therefore, Italy’s greencheck on Geralt was a lie. That doesn’t make Geralt instantly evil.

I’m trying to support Zone here! I swapped him to be annoying with the post restriction, and he doesn’t have it.

Zone isn’t evil, you know. His class was changed, his alignment is the same.
Killing me when I’m confirmed is crazy.

If this claim is true, at least, then I’m confirmed.

Alright, I’m a bit confused at the moment. Does infection work like conversion? Is the biologist anti-conversion?

I assume so, yeah.
But I don’t swap infection, at least not with my second ability.

If you want, I can further prove myself by resurrection somebody from the dead. Because that makes sense.

I get what you’re saying.

Which is true. Zone should have been jettisoned already going by your night action.

No one else has claimed Transporter chief, which is something that helps you.

Hmm that can be arranged.

I want you to swap my seat with Italy tonight

Wouldn’t that show up publicly and confirm you? Kinda odd that you decided that you’d rather try and shut up the townie that helped get a scum lynched yesterday.

No, this would make Italy OG Queen and Zone Ship-Aligned Queen

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I used the second ability, so probably not.
Nd yeah, i decided to shut up the townie who was acting aggressive without cause.