[Misc] Airlock (Aliens Win)

There’s also the problem that whoever we airlocked yesterday was predator

Light, are you evil here?

:hocho: :cat2: = :shield:
:hocho: image

I’m trying to solve this, i.dot. Pet can’t vote. If they do, it’ll be ignored.

@Italy do some sort of vote. Now.

N.1 is offline, so…

It’ll be modkilled, you mean

image :left_speech_bubble: :no_good_man:

Just how much is changed from the damn PDF??

I just woke up.


I mean I’m just assuming because that’d be broken

Don’t see anything bout a modkill here

Are you sure about that, Kyo?

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Modkill trumps passives nerd

image :left_speech_bubble: :no_entry_sign:

Where does the setup say about mod kills?

Sounds like borscke-schiesse to me

Hit! @Magnus has been murdered in cold blood, and dies.

N.1 says no?

Knew that would happen.