[Misc] Airlock (Aliens Win)

I mean, here, for starters

Now am I confirmed?

Still nope


:dagger: image
:cat2: :shield: = :dagger: :no_good_man:

What is wrong with you people?
It should be fairly opposite unless youā€™re saying Zone decided to claim he became ship Queen as good?

Italy, you arenā€™t Pet.
You never were Pet. From what I know from the setup, itā€™s not possible since I swapped you with Zone, and he has no post restriction.

Alright lets /airlock jettison Italy.

Welp. That whisper got instantly broken.
And now I am suddenly faced with a dead Magnus.
Yet the game didnā€™t end, soā€¦ there is indeed a convert.

You wanted my class. You got it in the worst way possible.
You canā€™t change your class.

:cat2: :speech_balloon: = :axe: = :ballot_box_with_check: :cat2:

I literally have no idea what you mean, there.

Uponā€¦ closer inspection of the Petā€™s classcard, it does indeed say they canā€™t vote. Probably to prevent this exact situation.


Morning. Damn

Appel! :slight_smile:

Hello Appel. Magnus was killed by Italy.

Well, not really.

Until Geralt comes and confirms that you are legit Trans Chief, you are always our third alien no matter whether you were the evil Biologist or the Ambassador.

In the meantimeā€¦ Itā€™s convert hunting time.

:cloud_with_lightning_and_rain: :black_circle:

I have no idea what Geralt is, and Italyā€™s evil, so that ā€˜greencheckā€™ is void.