[Misc] Airlock (Aliens Win)

then why does predator have a 2 difficulty class


the most combat capable class
having the highest chance to die to murder
sounds kinda dumb, dont you think

They can kill 2 people every night.
So to make it balanced, just make him weak to being murdered.

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As it is strong AF and there can be other Alien spawns with that class so it makes it stronger than the Queen side.

this includes murder, so you can’t murder a pet
so why does it have a DC?

I only just realised PKR was saying what I said

Zone, why are we bouncing off each other so much recently!?
It like makes me glad but very concerned.

I already said.

I thought PKR was saying that every class has to roll 4+ to die.

Uh… N.1 is saying that I am wrong?


your difficulty class is how high you have to roll to kill someone
fucking boomers these days

Then that means you have a 5/6 chance to kill someone.
So if you havent shot then do it.

At this point we have to scum read to find the Alien queen as we’ve been kind of screwed over by mech here. If only we knew who was swapped with Zone, then we’d have our Alien Queen.
As it is social deduction comes into play.

i shot magnus
blew his brains out


Bloody hell, the Predator really has a 5/6 chance to kill someone. TALK ABOUT NOT BALANCED!

They already shot Magnus.

so does the pet
bringer of death and destruction

Predator is not balanced at all lmao.
Super kill power and 5/6 murder chance.
RIP that.
I’m glad that the plan between me and Zone worked

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