[Misc] Airlock (Aliens Win)

/Whisper request Kyo

I beg to differ.

You are confirmed Transporter Chief
Not ship-aligned, in any regard


Well… since I highly doubt you are giving us a run around.
There is an Ambassador, the alien biologist, the Ambassador extra alien, the convert yesterday and the one today all to account for.

I know for certain that Mole is none of these as he was predator.
We know for certain that Italy is none of these as he was Pet.
I know for certain that Appelsini is now Quartermaster, so it is not them.

We are looking for 3 actual aliens and 2 converts between you, CRich, App and everyone alive.


CRichard whispered an outed wolf.
99% sure he was Queen > Biologist
It’s just whether or not he used his convert ability last night

I whispered Mole too because I was wondering WTF was his plan.
So, I do not quite use that to condemn CRich.

/Whisper Request @PokemonKidRyan

Again… really?
Why do I feel like it would be more pointless stuff?

:crossed_swords: :alien:

App - Ambassador
Moleland - Predator
CRichard - Queen > Biologist
Convert #1 - ???
Convert #2 (If CRichard converted last night, or N1) - ???

This is the gamesolve atm
We’re convert hunting

Did Magnus confirm the swap between CRich and Zone?
If not then Magnus needs to do that.

Wazza hacked Magnus n1.

That’s an accept, right?


Aww. I guess no one wants to play One lie, one truth then.


I thought this was the Predator?

…too big. Narrow down the POE plz.
How about you evaluate Appel’s POE?