[Misc] Airlock (Aliens Win)

I want to resolve a talk with Magnus before I give this.

/Whisper request @Italy


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Do you mind just whispering me the info now so I can continue to PoE?

/whisper @Magnus

Accept this, please

Assuming Richard was the OG Queen, the convert should’ve been converted during D2. Plus, I was the Queen ever since SoD2.


On a scale of 1 - 10, 1 being it’s incredibly important to you, and 10 being important to everybody else, how important is it?

5, assuming ‘everyone else’ isn’t including the Aliens

NGL only deepwolves would not wanna whisper me. Just saying

Can it be delayed?

I’m playing towards my win condition
And every ship-aligned player has my win condition
So I’d hope it’s important enough to consider

Why would you want it delayed

Because I’m sleeping soon.

When will you be awake?

Or people with lives as you damn well wasted time giving me a bit of a sonnet.

I’m awake, you can tell me

Maybe… 2020-07-07T05:00:00Z, being conservative?

Anyone know when day ends?

Within 9+ hours, which is way past the deadline.