[Misc] Airlock — Pregame (14/14)

Oh WOW, that role is powerful

So during the night you could get a message like

“KyoDaz, the X role, has decided to target X for the night.”
and if I changed my action you’d send another message informing the Hivemind they’re changing their action
Oh jesus

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How is this determined

Transporter Chief is the best role in existence tbh

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That’s kind of a contradiction then… BotF only cares for the tally at EOD. If Majority is reached, then someone gets exe’d. Before that, even if the Maj was reached, then the day wouldn’t end unless every single player -dead or alive- have voted --or unless the timer ran out.

My question is: Do you want a BotF voting system, or the FM Majority system? If you say both, then you basically only want the latter, because BotF voting system doesn’t give a damn about majority unless it is EOD.

Host choice

Parasite roles are the only roles in the game that are not unique.

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Like I said
Majority voting system, with BotF-style locking.

If u think that sucks for some reason, then lmk and i could do just normal majority voting with no locking for warp votes @Zone_Q11

So not randed?
And am I right in assuming your goal for host choices would be to prolong the game; or are you going to choose the most beneficial one to the team that’s influenced by the choice?

Would actually make for a pretty woke bluff

Nothing will be randed besides murder attempt D6 rolls and which role goes to whom in the setup (role composition itself will be host decided, though).
Everything else will be host decided, to reduce swing.

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Is this infinite

This sounds like a pain-in-the-ass role to manage.


Agree. Maybe it’s best that it’s done in intervals selected privately by the host?

Im confident i can do it

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Eh ye hosts cant always be online so this is better

To reduce subconscious angleshooting


I would suggest not publicly making intervals aware, though
Because people will abuse that and just message the action afterwords, like 5 minutes after

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Maybe inform the Hivemind?
Well I suppose they’ll already know and it’s a scum role

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This means that if the die rolls 6 they die, but anything else and they live
And eh

This means that if the die rolls 4 or higher they die

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