[MISC] Alice's Danganronpa - Game's End


Alright now we cross reference the time when KyoDaz was murdered.

The World Can Exist. So can the world with Sulit can exist.

The Difference Between the two?

The evidence placed in front of us points to the Sulit world, not the Dat world. If the sign pointed to the light place would you walk to the place with no sign? No, that’s stupid.

that was post murder

I stand corrected.

the evidence does point to the other, all im saying is yall are so dead set and im just looking for other world while we wait for both.

Yeah we have Sulit and Universal in our PoE concerning KyoDaz’s murder and seeing Universal enter the garbage disposal room after the murder spews Universal as not the murderer.

not really?
if they knew someone was killing they’d know that that person would get the autoescape, not you here

We’re dead set since it directly points to Sulit.

How can you not see that? You aren’t this desnse.

that makes 0 sense, thats like saying a murder doesnt come back to the scene of the crime

Yes, well they’d help that person get an autoescape, they’d have to get through the classtrial and they’d be able to fuck some stuff up with the two of them.

Occam’s razor is useful
Consider other options though

In this situation the only world where sulit isn’t blackened is a very specific world that I don’t exactly expect

i see that, all im saying is im considering more, and seeing if they make sense is that so bad

This isn’t registering

why all of you heff to be mad

its just game

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And what I’m saying is that while it’s possible, it more than likely isn’t going to be right.

thats fine, but u dont gotta be a jerk

What I meant is that with two people, it would be easier to get things done and cause the other one to get away during the class trial while also having one of them auto-escape.

Honestly, if I wanted to kill during this game, I would’ve used this motive to my advantage.

I’m being a jerk since all you’re doing is repeating the same thing over and over again, that’s all.

If Wazza was non-MM accomplice they’d just fucking bus sulit during this trial since it’s easier