[MISC] Alice's Danganronpa - Game's End

Ngl while this is probably the optimal way to play to avoid any Blackened getting away with anything, it sounds like it would kinda kill the fun of the game. Like, I’m all for people hanging out in groups if they want to, but literally standing at every major intersection all game long is… pretty boring


“I shall be exploring no matter what. I apologise if this is disliked but… it is for the best that I stay on foot.”

It’s understandable. In a sense, we could also simply stay in our dorms all the time, but that would be no fun either. I merely proposed an idea in case anyone would like to repeat Universal’s monitoring system.

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I do agree that people who have to go afk for a good amount of time should position themselves to see people pass by though

Well… it’s either that, or enter their dorm to recharge their AP & MP. (Wazza’s idea)

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I volounteer

We have most certainly passed breakfast.

Well I guess that would make two volunteers.

@Universal @Moleland
For the sake of your own safety, have one stand guard in front of the Cafeteria while the other stands at West Commons. These two places should be the safest areas which can divide the north and the south effectively.

Just get a fourth wandering guy who goes from point to point
If they run out of movement points then the guy they meet will carry on the patrol

There is literally only one room in the map (Recreation Room) where a murder could occur with the least amount of surveillance… --two if you count the Warehouse as well.

I’m back, and actions will be processed now. Also at the end of every chapter you all get your AP/MP replenished to 200% and your hunger/digestion normalized.


Monokuma has also come to make an announcement. For the next motive, we’ll call it “Hungry for Murder.” After twenty-four hours have passed, a murder in the cafeteria will allow the Blackened to graduate without having to face trial.

In addition, the building has been re-stocked.

Geyde enters the kitchen.

DatBird leaves the cafeteria.

camping cafeteria has been banned haha

We can still camp it for 24 hours

time to camp one of the commons :^) ayaya

Vulgard leaves the cafeteria.

Apprentice leaves the cafeteria.

Ty for the cake crich <3

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