[MISC] Alice's Danganronpa - Game's End


Jane may be able to prove they never had access to the rec room too

There’s this sinking feeling that mole is leading me on

(Are… are you ok Mole


Typo lel

Where is this coming from?

Someone could’ve went to the Rec Room Chapter 1 without anyone knowing.

(That is a pretty big typo lmao

The poison was in a game machine not present until chapter 2

mole had a stroke because they ate the black chocolate

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@Geyde can confirm this

they restock rooms after each trial


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But the metal slug machine was not in the rec room in chapter 1, correct?

it was not, correct

So unless you are the killer, it is not possible for anyone except Dat, Jane or app to get the poison

Jane may have proof they didn’t go to the rec room

Dat didn’t stop in the canteen

App has?

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No I can’t help you there. I never went to the rec room.

That’s strange…

Gorta claimed you walked through the Library towards the Rec Room.

I talked to him earlier before the trial and that’s what he claimed.
