[MISC] Alice's Danganronpa - Game's End

It has to be before Marshal became ill and Crich was still in the canteen and never left

Fair enough. Well, I need sleep.

Except I never went to the rec room. It’s after the library.
You should know better than to accuse me of murdering Marshal.

Well of course he would. The rec room is after the library.
Care to tell us something we didn’t know already?

Jane was not in the Rec Room when I left, and I left when PKR, Marshal, Italy and Wazza went to the Chem Lab.

Vul, stop using the dead man’s journal as if it is the Holy Bible, and start using your own head.

I entered the Rec Room after PKR (more or less) hushed me away.

Jane left the Cafeteria at 2020-07-28T17:25:00Z while I was hushed away at 2020-07-28T18:25:00Z

That’s a… one hour gap. Jane would’ve had to get the needle within that one hour if he is a lying culprit. I kinda doubt he would’ve done that.

Considering the weird case with Wazza’s stabbing, I think it’s App trying to murder two people.

–the problem is: I don’t understand the motive.

I’m afraid that’s going to have to wait. Vulgard seems to think I’m the killer when it’s obvious I’m not.

Marshal felt ill at 2020-07-28T16:40:00Z.

PKR returned to the Cafeteria to check up on Marshal when it was 2020-07-28T19:05:00Z, when time stopped action-wise.

Time started moving again when it was 2020-07-28T20:10:00Z because Alice was AFK for an hour and 5 minutes. It was only after this timestamp when Marshal & Co. could move to the Chem Lab.

Vulgard has problems catching up with the game. Ignore them and focus on our main suspects instead.

…so far, the prime suspect is still Apprentice, but the problem is that Monokuma said that there isn’t enough evidence, so I am paranoid about that.

Then there is the fact that I have to surpress my urge to kill PKR once and for all, ignoring all forms of reasoning…

You said yourself that app “Set a highscore on metal slug”. Seems like he got the poison then

That certainly helps matters doesn’t it?
Anyway so lets go over the main suspects in the case.
Apprentice and Jane if I’m able to back read correctly.

Yeah, but the problem is PKR. He stated that Marshal got poisoned twice at the same spot (neck) and while App has the poison…
We need to find out how App poisoned Marshal right after the Second Motive was announced.
–unless PKR made some miswordings, in which case he needs to point out what he misworded.

We REALLY need PKR to re-tell us EVERY SINGLE DETAIL of his Check Up on Marshal.

There is only circumstantial evidence for both Jane and app, but it is 9000% stronger against App so that’s where my vote is going.

The biggest issue we have, which I think Monokuma was eluding to is that we never found the poison itself. We found the needle, but a needle alone does not cause poisoning.

App has indicated he’s stupid, right? That implies he must have good skills elsewhere. Maybe he tried killing Wazza because he thought that PKR would cure Marshal

If Jane is lying, he’d have to grab the needle from Metal Slug’s… what was it called again? Circuit board or something? Something that’s inside the Metal Slug arcade, I assume.

It is far more likely that App won the thing from beating the high score instead.

Control panel, yes

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…I mean, Geyde said that he saw App holding “medium” poison at the First Class Trial?