[MISC] Alice's Danganronpa - Game's End

I assumed it came with poison already, but there’s no reason to 100% believe that immediately

There was a needle in the slot machine.
However, there were two needles used to poison Marshal.
Unless App went to the Rec Room, opened the control panel, ONLY took the needle, came back to the Cafeteria, and stabbed Marshal… then there should be two needles.

Because when it comes to high scores, it was still at 9500 when I arrived there.

“I never said there were two needles.”

There’s no reason to assume a second needle could not be disposed of, especially if it was a catalyst to speed up a poison, not the poison itself

If there were two needles, then the needle could’ve been taken from the Metal Slug’s control panel… which I didn’t specifically investigate.

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“Well, there could be two, if one was disposed of or hidden on their person. All I know is the injection happened at the same site.”

If you used an axe to hack off someone’s legs, than shot them with a pistol in the head, you would have to leave the gun nearby but could dispose of the Axe however you wished, correct?

Actually, weapons could not be disposed further than 1 room adjacent to where it was used.

So… this should restrict something, right?

Only murder weapons

A catalyst is not a murder weapon, a poison is.

…I dunno. Ask Alice.
Poison is a ****** weapon to backtrack.

(I will ask Alice because I would be the one with more medical knowledge and therefore would know what does or does not constitute a weapon

I’m working under the assumption that either the same needle was used twice or only one needle could be classed as a murder weapon and the second could be anywhere

(Well, that covers… literally all grounds anyway

There were two Injections. They could’ve been made with the same needle!


Same response:

Wrong wording. It should’ve been:
“If there was only one needle,”

In other words, this:

Why should there be 2? Especially if the needle contained something already

What if App played the game, got a high score and a messege says

“Check the control panel of this game”

He does, finds the needle inside and a messege then reads “It contains a special chemical which halves how long it takes poisons to be effective”

App looks at his weak poison and comes up with a plan. He could inject a victim with the catalyst first, then use the needle to draw up the poison and then use the needle again. He could then deposit the poison anywhere he liked, but have to discard the needle nearby

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( 2020-07-31T02:27:00Z is when trial ends
2020-07-30T14:27:00Z is when we can lock votes

(Also, I think I know something to do with the mastermind

Does it point to a particular person being the Mastermind? Are you going to out the info?