[MISC] Alice's Danganronpa - Game's End

…well okay then. I guess we really are going to analyze that piece of text like PKR instructed us.

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Like app didnt leave at the same time as me so I dont know where he went after but up until I left for the kitchen he was in av room and iirc said he was gonna stay and search

…Dat, give me your logs about this. Timestamps included. I don’t need you to say what you found. I only need “when you were with App” and who left first and whatnot.

If I have them I will in like 20 minutes as I’m doing shit irl and on phone

But it should be like relatively close to the times listed in cafeteria of me leaving and him leaving and then me going to kitchen. With at most five minutes which I will get exacts in a bit of me going to secret spot which Geyde and app know of to drop it off.

And I can confirm that the secret spot is none of the labs the rec spot or the pool

In other words, App’s window to enter the Rec Room before PKR returned would be…

  • Between 2020-07-28T17:01:00Z and 2020-07-28T17:51:00Z
  • Between 2020-07-28T18:00:00Z and 2020-07-28T18:25:00Z

If there was only one needle (the one from the Rec Room)…
If it is App who silently poisoned Marshal using said needle…
…then it must be done within one of these two timeframes.

–otherwise there are simply two needles.

Submitted to go to secret place to grab the headset as me and app had an idea on how to see what it does. Same submission says go to sulits room to grab her cross bow and finally to head to av room at 10:13pm est
Get a notification that I’m traveling and grab what I want to head to the av room at 12:39 pm est
At 12:59 I head to secret spot to drop it off so no mm wouldnt have their hands on it.
1:00pm est get the notification I’m there. Drop it off at 1:01 pm est and head to kitchen.
1:03 est is when I arrive in kitchen according to the dm.

Speaking of submissions, @Jane @Wazza, did you two go to sulit’s room and check for the box?

…do you mean AM?

No this was right after trial. I submitted it like right away

Ah. I see… --by the way, you went back to the Warehouse after I told you so at the A/V Room, right? After you gave me the batteries? Did you meet App at the Warehouse?
(I… think he said he wasn’t there anymore by the time you were there.)

No. By the time I was able to go to sulit’s room (2020-07-27T17:24:00Z), all that was left was 4 Billiard Balls and a Katana.

Hm… @DatBird, did you happen to loot anything else aside from sulit’s crossbow?

No he wasnt kinda annoyed me

I’ve been to nearly every room both chapters so yeah I’ve been to rec room

Nope just crossbow and bolts. All I wanted didnt even search for anything

so why am I being suspected lmfao?

I see. Very well.

Read P#3778.