[MISC] Alice's Danganronpa - Game's End

Well, good thing I’m not one of those people.

i’m going to sleep
i’ll probably decide if it’s worth it to stab jane right in the cafeteria immediately or not by the time i come back online

(I wish we could ask Alice if we could just lock votes early because like at this moment we are just trying to get blood out of a stone via discussion

Welp, if you’re all just going to mull around, I’ll go watch YT or something.

(What else could or should we do Jane…

I hope Alice reveaks what happened this case regardless as to what happens when we vote

(If she does not, then I will do so. As if we are wrong, I can only see 1 or 2 other worlds. And I think I can get it correct.

I’ll probably just kill Wazza/Italy, the Ultimate Evidence Ignorers, and then everyone’s happy!

(Yeah, chief. I dunno bout the latter one.

Don’t worry, Italy isn’t immortal.

I’ll make sure the next CT will be dictated by logic, not impossible reachy tinfoils.

(I look forward to watching that.

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(We still do have a few hours though Jane. I am just interested who are your list of suspects for this case then.

  • Marshal
  • Frankie
  • The creator of Joycrab™

I don’t know whether or not Marshal poisoned themselves, but it’s not like that matters anyway.

Why do I have a feeling this list is only one person?

Because it is.


I have no childhood. Fortunately I am not the only one without childhood.

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This is as dumb as me not believing PKR’s words before Geyde had to mech!confirm that I was wrong.

If he was poisoned in Chapter 1, then you are just stretching this too far. Plus, injected after being poisoned wouldn’t make sense since PKR said Marshal was injected twice.

I don’t see how working with Marshal makes him know his every move after Marshal left to the Chem Lab.

Define “you all” because I am currently only pushing on App, whose support from Geyde is purely based off favoritism.

This was also said to App and PKR.
Look what happened to those two.
One got cleared, but the other got neglected.

Didn’t someone else prove that Jane didn’t go to the Rec Room, and that their fingerprints were not on the needle?