[MISC] Alice's Danganronpa - Game's End

…I have a bad feeling about this. There should’ve been approximately three more hours before the Prologue ends… Does the “first and last 6 hours of the day” refer to RL days for Alice?
I don’t get it at all…

@Marshal @Wazza @an_gorta_pratai
I propose we move out to West Commons when Nighttime ends, and stay at the Dorms like @CRichard564 in the meantime.

You can choose to explore once the Prologue ends, but the MP costs are tripled at Nighttime, and I’d rather not end up with 0 MP when my goal is only to show you something special that can be postponed.

Explanation regarding nighttime.

IRL days is what the game’s clock rolls on, but since the Prologue is shorter than night will only be the last 3 hours of the Prologue. Chapter 1 will begin at night time and night will last for six hours.


Ah. In that case: I am going off to bed …IRL.
I want to go to sleep whenever I can.

Marshal, Wazza, an_gorta_pratai
You three can choose whatever you want to do when Daily Life starts, but I want to conserve my MP!

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Wait, Daily Life hasn’t started yet, has it :frowning:

Anyway, might aswell retreat to my dorm.

Eh, I can move around more than you I’m sure of that.

PKR has arrived at the cafeteria.

Zone has left the cafeteria.

Jane has left the cafeteria.

(Well, thanks Zone and Jane for the kind welcome back. xD)

“So my dorm room was interesting, I found something of use at least.”

Geyde has left the cafeteria.

how long do we think it’s gonna take for someone to die

DatBird has left the cafeteria.

not long

I don’t know about you guys, but I am beat. Good night everyone

(Maybe we will need a motive, maybe some people will be bloodthirsty. With yall I have no clue and it scares me)

“Nobody is going to kill… is what I would like to say. Whether that is the case, we will find out soon enough.”

Universal has left the cafeteria.

Pkr out here, raising his death flags

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(I already said I want to raise them and then survive lol)