[MISC] Alice's Danganronpa - Game's End

Ah, so you agree with me killing you then?

Everyone can just hide inside their dorms.
…or simply gather inside the Cafeteria and let Italy kill the beast.

–actually, since Mole is the prime suspect of the mastermind anyways, he can’t kill anyone unless he is not the mastermind, because the mastermind cannot become the Blackened.



Okay. For starters, read the OP. Tag me when you are done reading that. (I probably won’t respond since it is past midnight right now, and I have to work tomorrow IRL but whatever.)

I did, but I’m still confused

What beast, and why do you want to kill me

Universal enters the cafeteria.

I have a suggestion. Why not let Italy kill Mole and graduate?

A pile of garbage has accumulated in the kitchen from the sheer amount of food consumed. Until it is taken to the Garbage Disposal Room and incinerated the cafeteria will not give any restorative bonuses.

Mole. Read this:

I am kind of tired of waiting, more or less.
I am not the type to kill in secret, so… I might as well kill in public.

In that case…

Because Mole is a fucking ninja and we can’t find him; only Italy can.

Exactly, lets help Italy find Mole

Universal grabs the aluminium bat.

I am still quite depressed after what happened with Marshal…

  1. What are you doing with the Aluminium Bat?
  2. Mole has stats over the 90s and can supposedly adapt over everything, assuming he is the mastermind. We won’t be able to find him. Ever. I literally wasted two charges on finding him, but Dat and App couldn’t find him when he was literally in the same room.

Wazza enters the Cafeteria.

I can potentially find Mole. Potentially.

I’ll do it then.

Scratch that. I can 100% find Mole if you give me the right information.

A/V Room bud.

Wazza takes the trash.