[MISC] Alice's Danganronpa - Game's End

What point of “airhead” do you not understand?

I mean… I already keep pointing at you and Wazza.
It isn’t as if you yourself have any alibi in the first place.

Yeah, and I noticed that @Universal is a fake airhead. Unlike Vul, who is innocent because he did nothing. He is literally like gorta from the Second Class Trial.

For starters, the lag of action processing. Meanwhile, I was just focused on bringing Vul to the GDR PM. Dunno what others were doing in the meantime.

I thought that fella was trapped in the game or something?

I’m aware of that. However, I know that I am not the Blackened, and I doubt Wazza kermitted, so the logical conclusion is Vulgard.

The last we ruled gamer kermit, the person pushing that most was the blackened

From your POV maybe, but FMPOV you are not cleared at all, and I keep saying that Wazza definitely could commit suicide.

–anyhow, this is going nowhere anymore.
I am going to wait for others to arrive for real now.

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I am actually a bit happy people think I am faking this level of blindness.

I’m going to acknowledge that I’ve read all this, and also that I don’t know what anyone’s talking about because I literally was not here half the phase

I’m going to acknowledge that I’ve also read all this, and also that I don’t know what anyone’s talking about becase I literally was investigating a single spot for the entire phase and nobody visited me despite me asking people to do so.

Most of this game is taking place… I don’t even know when. It doesn’t seem like anything’s happening when I’m actually around. Maybe that’s just my experience though.

Then it picks up the pace waaaaay fast while I’m away or asleep. Well, anyway.

solving music if you need it, maybe spoilers for dr1 idk

after we met in the art room and i left i went to two more rooms before just syaing in my dorm due to ril business

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Ril :thinking:

irl, mistyped

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What did Vulgard say/do in the Art Room PM?

All you two (and @CRichard564 and @Universal for that matter) have to know is that the Blackened is either: Jane, who’s pushing for Vul at the moment, or Wazza, who might’ve killed himself for gamer-points like Marshal did.

• Saying he was offline OOC.
• Searching the room IC.
• Tagging Alice for feedback after 24+ hours worth of silence, seemingly IC.

When was this?


Outside of Jane, you can make a case for vul/crich
but both of those are reachy and have a few questions

  1. how would they get the alcohol
  2. why such a basic alibi? there’s only one other person to frame when doing this (jane) and that’s not guaranteed based on what Jane was doing
  3. how would they instantly think to go to the GDR (this is more for case of CRich)

I literally gave you the ******* timestamps… just read it up above; it’s 01.28 PM.

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Oh, right, my bad.

@Vulgard why did you search the Art Room when me and DatBorb already had?

Wow. What a ****** game.

The only thing that makes sense is from Marshal’s looted corpse, but we don’t exactly know who took what, now did we?