[MISC] Alice's Danganronpa - Game's End

I’ll only kill if I’m confident I can win from it

or I’m killing myself

i have twenty different ideas on how to take somebody’s life but probably won’t be putting any of them into action because i’d like to see how this game plays out and not leave (or die :eyes:) early

The word seemed to dawn on her as she heard it being used to nonchalantly. Perhaps she was the one who was being foolish by showing as much as a small reaction to it.

Staying still for quite some time, the young lady gazed around the room. Faces of other ultimate students trapped and thrown into this twisted game.
“I see we already split… then I have to explore this place. I hope to see you all again, safe.”


you’re going to die first and we all know it

“There isn’t much to explore for the time being. All rooms except for the bathrooms and the dorms are locked.”

“You can go explore tomorrow, though.”

I’m drained from finishing my misc lol

You can rest for the time being. We have 22 hours and 30 minutes before anything serious starts. If you don’t wish to say anything, then you can just go take a rest at your dorms.

Oh wazza left.

“Ah, now that you mention is, that does sound right” With a bashful smile, she simply nodded her head as she attempted to psych herself up.
“At least this cafeteria seems well stocked. I mean, food just appearing and going away… we should not lack nourishment during this. Food will be important for our energy… and well, basic survival.”

Yep. …say Richard, what do you think of following me?

this game is gonna be a mix of people doing RP and not doing RP

Takumi dabs

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this is going to be a war where only one side will survive to the mastermind trial

“Looking at the school map, I am rather more curious what the laboratories have to offer.”

“We got our food and other basic necessities covered, one way or the other. That leaves us with… escaping the school.”


“Well, I don’t plan to be the leader of the group, so if anyone wants to take on the spotlight, go ahead. I will be the sidekick.”

(This is DR, I love DR RPs I have been in, I also am like kinda loving this character so I am going to easily be able to get into it )

“Well, we might have had someone leave already… but it may be good to get to know each other. We are all Ultimate level students, right? If we all work together surely things can go well!”

(Also I will have death flags if it is the last thing I do. And knowing me, it could be the last thing I do. Aim is to survive despite these flags)`

I nominate Marshal to be in the spotlight!

I don’t wanna be a leader

I wanna be a follower

and I wanna go into dark places alone

is that too much to ask?

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do you in any way think that attempting to stab me is smart

well you always have a gun so I would never assume I could get close enough

“Not to be a pessimist, but modern humans are more prone to be selfish than altruistic.”

“For now, let’s go with your plan and explore the school. How about we meet up tomorrow at around noon?”

i think we should all split up into solo groups and wander to the nearest dead end or dark corridor