[MISC] Alice's Danganronpa - Game's End

While we are in an “uncommon” situation, I doubt there will be any guns in this school. Without a silencer, anyone could clearly hear gunshots being fired.

–damnit RP and non-RP are mixing up.

bold of you to assume i don’t always carry a backup backup backup backup pistol

Well imma be dipping whenever my leave gets processed (sent before wazza left lol) so see ya i guess

if we are located in america I think you severely estimate the amount of guns in school

if we are anywhere else you are probably right

where are you even leaving to
you know we can only leave to dorms and bathrooms right now

oh i didnt thats probably why? when do the other shit open.

can’t wait for someone to go to a bathroom and get their neck snapped before the game even begins

22 hours from now

ugh 24 hours, well i guess i wait here til then and go to the dojo when it opens

in a game of life or death you either live

or you die

“…I see we already have a discord. Mr. Ando (Wazza) has left the discussion early, but I propose we start our encounter with a vote rather than a proper introduction.”

“Who votes to go each our own way (avoiding contact with others), and who votes to move in groups (all the time)? Additionally, who thinks temporary groups is a better choice?”

it costs movement points to enter a hallway, FYI
not to enter a room

All the more reasons to hate America, aside from their ridiculous Imperial Measurement System…

–anyhow, given our “names,” it is safe to assume we are not in America.

tbh i dont care, if people follow if they dont it dont matter. Im here to make friends and train

given our names there is a 99% probability that we are in japan
where the only place to find guns is italy’s concealed holsters

Did you confirm this with Alice?

it’s in the OP


well yes we’re all Japanese but this stupid bear could have put us in america

it would be even more torturous

It says “to cross,” but that never specifies whether the MP is takes after leaving a room, or before entering one.