[MISC] Alice's Danganronpa - Game's End

Yeah, so… Jane would have had to do all that within one hour via the Library since PKR was in the A/V Room at at least 2020-07-28T18:00:00Z, meaning that it’s even less likely that he could’ve entered the Rec Room without getting noticed.

I’m going to /Vote App as killer, unless anyone else has evidence to put forward

No evidence from me.

/vote App

“The victim was healthy and well rested before he died, however, he was awake. Despite this no signs of a struggle show, this is likely because the poison claimed his life. Both a poison and a poison accelerator were used in the murder and he was injected with something twice, it is not possible to determine what was injected or ingested otherwise. There are no lacerations or blunt trauma in his body, there is an injection site in his neck which was injected into twice presumably by the same needle. The poison that was injected usually takes 18 hours to kill, so it was not the venom in the Chemistry Laboratory.”

(I’m happy I found the evidence that helped blow this case open yay)

“When I initially performed a check up on the victim due to one of our fellow students worrying about poison, I did indeed discover he was poisoned and so I had him and others follow me to the Chemistry Lab because at the time we did not know if the venom was used or not. If the venom was used then it could have killed within 4 hours, so I was treating it like we were on a tight clock.”

Hold up. Why would you think he was poisoned after the Second Motive announcement?


Can’t this be poison from chocolate allergy or something?

“Our victim said he was allergic due to feeling ill, however, that came from the poison. He had no allergies.”

We also know that App has the skill to attack someone ao fast that not even the victim notices, from his attack on Wazza

(The reason I ran to check for poison

Hold up. What the… ****?

2020-07-28T16:38:00Z - App left Cafeteria
2020-07-28T16:40:00Z - Marshal feels unwell (could still be chocolate allergy)
2020-07-28T18:41:00Z - App returned to Cafeteria
2020-07-28T19:05:00Z - PKR returned to Cafeteria

…if App can do stealth actions, it would explain how Marshal could be poisoned when PKR came back AND it would explain how Wazza was stabbed without knowing who the stabber was.

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How do we know this is the case?
You left at… wait, huh?

2020-07-28T16:40:00Z - Marshal felt unwell
2020-07-28T17:23:00Z - PKR left the Cafeteria

…why didn’t you use Check Up on Marshal when you were at the Cafeteria?

To be more precise, this is our conclusion based off what information we currently have.

I mean fair.

But the alternative is that wazza stabbed himself for reasons.

(Jane never said the poison idea until I was already gone. I thought it could have just been overeating, undereating or something when I first left. When Jane said poison I came back.

Hey PKR, you did eat the chocolate cake slice I gave you earlier right?

“It was lovely… but, if you are trying to use this as a defence… unfortunately it was said that this cake was from a second batch according to… someone.”

I remember him bragging about this at the Chem Lab, so yes he definitely did.

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