[MISC] Alice's Danganronpa - Game's End

so CRich/gorta and people in groups for this whole time are clear


Marshal must have been punctured with the injection in this window

please go check if you were with anyone for that entire time period

absolutely can’t have done it:


very likely didn’t do it:


Mole what did you do during that time period where you left cafeteria

I was in the canteen or with PKR making suits and searching the warehouse

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Dat couldn’t have done it
he doesn’t have the heart

I have the soulread


was moleland with you from




I saw App enter the warehouse from the West Commons and then return to the West Commons

also everyone please check that time frame to see if you were with anyone for the full duration of

if you were they are clear

I’m sorry for that

“We split up for like… a very short time to look for the stabbed victim. But not long enough to do anything complex.”

Did we find any clues as to who murdered Marshal?

how long of that exact specified time were you with them for? I want timestamps of when you were together and when you weren’t within that range

is this post wazza stab?

(Actually, it depends how long we were in the warehouse. Issue is I do not have access to that pm anymore

I’ve at least got the time frame for his injection narrowed down

Tell me when and I can make a log of people who moved around during that period

I think it was before that.

Like when he first felt ill

Well, I hope I can make a log. I am just very surprised as to why Marshal didn’t even feel getting shot by a needle