[MISC] Alice's Danganronpa - Game's End

(So it is possible he was quick enough, maybe.

Are u seriously saying i stabbed Marshal post mortem and got rid of the needle into the chem room where app found it, without leaving the room. Cause uni can back me up on this shit. Get off ur high horse with this bs

when they went to the chem lab Im pretty sure i was with geyde not my room

Fuck off and read

(Errr… if you was the one who found the needle… then you could have lied where you found it…

(Idk who was the one to find it, my b

the purple, me geyde and app went to bio lab

thing is, did u use it anyway, being there doesnt count

@Geyde, @Apprentice
Confirm this.

(No, like, why would I. If I was the blackened, I would have used it.

well fuck off as well, you haven’t read half the shit I wrote and I have had to repeat myself so many times

App found the needle.

so then u didn’t appear on the logs and it doesn’t matter

(I mean, it sorta does matter because I am saying I had the opportunity to dispose of the weapon but did not because I did not use it, so anyone who thought I was suspicious due to being able to jab Marshal is not making sense.

what im saying is one, u did not use the machine so u didnt appear, since u didnt use the machine this whole argument is like if worlds if u did. And honestly atp is not needed as no ones pushing u on it

and if they are its illogical

(Ok, cool, my b.
So we have suspects of Jane, CRich, Marsh (Maybe some others, I forgot who else is possible but unlikely.

also the first half said i did, so double fuck off, thats like making a blunt statement that I killed him, but theres no way to do it, not only is it an asinine statement to make, it is also so fucking backhanded of a statement

what does crich’s/jane’s pathing look like today

@CRichard564 @Jane sorry if u already explained, we want ur path today with timestamps

like ahhhhhh, just annoys me to no end.

well gtg for a bit