[MISC] Alice's Danganronpa - Game's End

Whichever ****head it was who suspected Jane (IIRC it was @Wazza): Check Jane’s public slot, and ask Alice how full that water bottle is.

That thing was never used according to Alice.

(Wazza literally said he thinks it was swapped out, so that means nothing

are you saying that they swapped a poisoned water bottle for a normal one?

I don’t buy into this world that hard

(If I understand Wazzas allegation, yes.

(Neither do I. But it is possible and Marshal did say about the water being off.

I’m going to put app back in my poe

wait no
he made a call that directly caused us to not go marshal in most worlds

(I do not quite understand what this means

We were decided on “Marshal killed himself”
Then App came in with the “Marshal couldn’t have gotten syringe from rec room”

(But… then we worked out Marshal could have.

app shouldn’t have any problems telling us what they got from the metal slug game

(IIRC they said they got a combat knife. But issue is, that could have been gotten anywhere. It is not really confirmable.

you mean the combat knife they say they have in their private slot?

Has he said where he got the metal slug from by chance?

(Yes. But… like, as I said. It is not easy to prove when it was gotten exactly.

wait a second

metal slug is an arcade game

marshal got injected, this is confirmed
Jane’s fingerprints weren’t on the thing

the private slot
the slot which they used for the combat knife
the least threatening weapon they had
which almost definitely was defaulted into the private slot