[MISC] Alice's Danganronpa - Game's End

I think App/Marshal is most likely suspects here

(… Ok. I think App did it then because how tf did I find 2 files and my own diary when App has a multitude of weapons.

With possible Wazza in remote worlds

(Yes, this is a partial jealousy read.

My issue is the ‘how’ with App’s pathing and how marshal didn’t talk about it

Why are you still bothering to accuse me?

(Marshal not talking about it is the only thing genuinely which keeps bringing back “Suicide” as the option. The mapping for App though, idk

I have a vague fear of you

(We all have a vague fear of you. And most others. This is a killing game.

Understandable, but I can assure you, I wouldn’t kill because if I did, you wouldn’t find any evidence.

We know App couldn’t have stabbed wazza ‘because they were on the other side of the map’

They walked past me when I was stabbed, I’ve mentioned this so many damn times.

(Yeah, but the other side of the map from the Warehouse, does have stabby possible places.

(The needle came from the Rec Room. So, App could have gotten it then.

It’s kind of hard to figure out exactly what’s up when it’s all the same text format we’re working with

May I ask, where was everyone at the time of Marshal’s death and when we found out he was ill.

by “most others” do you mean you have a much less vague fear of me

(Wazza, by App saying that he was not near you, and was in fact on the opposite side, App could have gotten the weapon. I think we should allow this to go its course, since App is inadvertently screwing themselves over.

Me/app/dat were together walking from GDR down