[MISC] Alice's Danganronpa - Game's End

(Then it cannot be Jane unless they made Marsh ingest things via drink. Marshal himself could have used the needle, we established this.

we’re back to square fucking one again

app got the combat knife after ditching an item they were hiding in their private slot, which caused the combat knife to default there most likely
and i wonder what item that could be

that means jane is clear

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(Oh shit this is a lead.

there’s killer 1 and killer 2

killer 1 poisoned the food
killer 2 needled marshal

we’re looking for killer 2

(We are assuming the needling came second. It could have came first.

if it came first I think marshal would have brought it up

plus it could only have spawned ch2 because of the point Mole brought up

(True. But, Marshal would have brought it up if it was second unless it literally was Marshal who did it.

scratch the marshal brought up point for a second

it’s app/marshal/crich atp

app finds a combat knife
they put it in their dorm
they get the needle from metal slug
they poison marshal
they ditch the needle and go back to their dorm to get a weapon that nobody knows they have which can be used as an alibi for what they won in metal slug

Perhaps you can forgive my ignorance here.

(This… would work, yeah. Just checking, you said the combat knife is the least deadly thing App has.
Can you confirm what else App has?

killer 3 stabbed wazza

that was leon
we established this

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(Killer 4 is Italy, the USK

This trial really isn’t easy.

apparently they have nine other weapons
and we know they have a fucking spear