[MISC] Alice's Danganronpa - Game's End

“I am glad someone knows what they are talking about.”

So u did an autopsy mid fire? Akari, I turned off the fire, if you could get more from the corpse now i think it would be beneficial

I would be willing to go over and help in any way to get a second look

“I could try again I suppose but I do doubt I would gleam more from it.”

want to go together and try some more. I really hope theres more we can find. Nariko smiles

I forgot - a killer would be honest

crich gave us the fucking list
that list happens to involve a medical professional or two if i recall correctly

PKR is cleared by Vulgard, apparently

“Yui was with me the entire time.”

So I wouldn’t call their analysis ‘blatant bullshit’

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there was no time you two were seperated? I dont think you would lie, but i want to be sure. Also has anyone seen or heard from uni

“I am very sorry but autopsies take a lot out of me, I am unable to do another one for a while.”

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I haven’t been informed or don’t remember why Jane is completely clear

Universal entered the Garbage Disposal when I left.

I do agree with the rest of their list, however

“Not a single second. We were in the Biology Lab and I dragged her by the hand directly to the Nurse’s Office. She can confirm that.”

no worries then, but if this happens again prob shouldnt do it mid fire, kinda prevents you from getting the whole story

I. Was. In. The. Cafetaria. The. Whole. Time.

Memory fails me occasionally

That’s not to say that that doesn’t hold water
For the sake of procedure, would marshal confirm this?