[MISC] Alice's Danganronpa - Game's End

There’s no harm in doubting everything you hear. There are those who would seek to lie and lead us to the wrong answer.

In short, I want to verify the autospy result with independent information.

Currently, I have a 45 hour window between the victim was last seen and the body was found.

If no one saw Kyo in that time… When was the last time someone saw the murder scene?

“Miss, I believe you should state your talent if you are trying to question me.”

I have an alibi also.

Is it in PKR’s best interest to lie in this case
Walk me through why you think the way you do in this specific case

I have no reason to say that - I don’t need to measure up to you at this point.

Maruyama sighs and stops talking to the girl.

I mean, I was in the cafeteria the whole time. If PKR’s autopsy is correct, then there is no way jane could have been the killer.

we dont need to know everyones talent unless it 100% pertains to the investigation, but im not gonna really stop you if you feel its needed for the case

“I would like to request everyone ignores that miss over there” She points to [Moleland]. “She is trying to derail our conversation when we already have such a good window.”

Mole, you said you were hiding in the Warehouse, right?

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This entire motion runs counter to the judicial process
I ask that you avoid taking that action

Mole’s claim makes sense from a logical perspective
They would need to know how long App was in the room to make a claim such as that

“Miss, I am a professional and this lady who might know literally nothing about science is trying to question me and my results. I have a valid and airtight alibi for this crime. Her conversation is harmful to us.”

Was App also in the warehouse?

Other than the killer, The Mastermind would also benefit.

Also, there are ways to tamper with an autopsy result. I refuse to accept the biggest mystery (Tod) is solved so very easily.

Their voice could prove useful for the ‘other’ conversations that need to happen today
Whether they tried to discredit you in reason or not, that shouldn’t matter for any other subject not related to your analysis

Fair enough

i’m pretty sure that pkr is claiming to be The Ultimate Physician here
they definitely know more about performing autopsies than you do


Monokuma confirmed to me that announcement woukd be made uf a murder had nit been discovered yet too

That is what Mole claimed in the garbage disposal room, to my memory