[MISC] Alice's Danganronpa - Game's End

Ultimately the ‘use’ definition that Alice is operating under with their feedback is key to determine if it was or wasn’t actually fired

You showed him… the bolt?

Everyone’s like dat is weird. I just wanted the answer just to be a little more fun like the ones in game. U dont usually find the suspect in the explore portion but we did. Idk guess it was bad too, but idk I wanted to explore different narratives and see if they worked

Yeah I found it and screamed for him

It can be more fun
The issue here is that everyone sticks together like glue


…sigh. Now I understand what happened.

Wazza has the ability to know where an item originates from, and once he used that ability on the bolt, he must’ve thought that the crossbow was the murder weapon.

He caught the right person, but one of his arguments is slightly off.

Anyhow @Wazza: @PokemonKidRyan was right. A crossbow was involved in the fight, but Kyo ultimately died via the Incinerator.

…I wonder how sulit won against the Ultimate Duelist without hitting him though. Kyo’s autopsy didn’t show anything about any other wound other than the burns on his upper half and the broken bones on his lower half.

Leon died in Nam
I can’t believe this sad turn of events

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i can’t believe having broken legs can hinder your ability to fight
especially when you’re hungry and tired

Yes I was aware. That was exactly what I kept saying constantly.

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What’s being tired

This post was made by the ‘fucking stuck in one room all phase gang’

The broken legs were caused due to a fall according to the Monokuma file, and despite having 0 AP, I doubt Alice would’ve let Kyo die without giving him a chance to fight back.

Ah, okay. In that case all is good.

broken legs are still broken legs

And how exactly did Kyo get those broken legs?

their legs got turned to butter by sulit’s secret passive, on a roll

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ur mom is the ultimate hoe

alice please come back I want to lure vulgard to the pool where I suffocate him underwater and then leave the body in the pool to bloat and become difficult to perform autopsies on

I mean

I want to be able to eat

you fool
i already anticipated you would do this and have pre-queued to stalk you to the pool where i drown you and have vulgard cover everything up as my accomplice

i mean
i need to rest