[MISC] Alice's Danganronpa - Game's End

Also I’ll have to be off for a while. Putting this as a heads up.


Wazza leaves the cafeteria.

Italy leaves the cafeteria.

CRich leaves the cafeteria.

Ding Dong Dong Ding

A body has been discovered.

Please come to Marshal’s Dormitory immediately. After 24 hours pass, the class trial will begin.

Again, I’ll be off for a couple of hours. I’ll return shortly once I’m done.


You all go to the gym and an elevator takes you to the trial grounds.


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A mysterious voice makes an announcement over the PA:

I’ve been looking forward to this Class Trial, since things didn’t go so well last time. Well, Hope should not be able to trump Despair this time, there’s just not enough evidence! I’m certain of, things will go as planned this time, and the Blackened will escape! If anyone else wants to follow in their glorious footsteps, I’ll broadcast a riddle tomorrow! Solving it will prove to be suite advantageous! I was you all the best of luck, and tons of Despair.

“A trial of lies.”

“A trial of truth.”

“A trial of life.”

“A trial of death.”

“A trial of hope.”

“A trial of despair.”

All rise to the class trial. You all arrive at your podiums.

You thirteen have up to 48 hours to decide on who murdered Marshal. On the last 12 hours you may choose to lock your vote. Once the majority has locked their votes then we shall see the result.

If the blackened is chosen, then they’ll be executed. If not, then they’ll live, but you all will be one mistrial closer to your executions. You may all begin.

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Okay, well I’m agreeing with the PA, there’s not enough evidence at all, all we have is alibi’s to narrow it down ever so slightly.


I want everyone to say who they were with last chapter (before first murder)

I was with Zone 1st chapter.

Cafeteria for a long time.

i want
everybody’s alibis from the time the first chapter started to the time marshal started to feel strange

Eat Food
Go to the Pool - Drained
Go to the Male Locker Room - Lockers Knocked Over
Go to the Gym - Talk to Jane, he wants a basketball for some reason.
Go to the Dojo - Two Opened Chests now and a paper that was more than likely from Geyde.
Go to the GDR - Throw away the trash Jane didn’t.
Go to the Laundry Room - Find Nothing of Use.
Go to the Library - Burnt Books in the small room.
Go to the Nurses Office - Find Bandages (Thank god I took these)
Go to the Cafeteria
Follow PKR and Marshal to the Biology Lab - Marshal was feeling weird
Go to my Dorm

And the rest is history.

I was in the library then afk’d in West Commons

This was during chapter 2, in chapter 1 I was mostly in the cafeteria/my dorms

I can confirm this.