[Misc] Battlestar Galactica Board Game on the Forums [Canned]

Hippolytus has drawn two politics, one leadership, and one engineering card, as per his classcard.

@Hippolytus, where would you like to move?

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/destroy the rebels

nah i’ll command room and activate auto vipers

Hippolytus discards a Broadcast Location treachery card and activates a Major Victory leadership card.

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@Hippolytus, roll a 1d8.

@discobot roll 1d8

:game_die: 6

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I needed a 6 right

You gain one morale. Morale goes up from 8 to 9.

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Hi! To find out what I can do, say @discobot display help.

You needed 5 or higher.

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Hippolytus has chosen to move to the command.

Current state of the board:









He may take one action each with two different vipers or two actions with one viper.

The possible actions are deploy a viper from the reserves, move an unmanned viper that is already deployed, or attack with a viper that shares a space with a cylon ship

Viper Mark VII’s are not more powerful than normal vipers, but they are harder to hit by the cylon ships and are faster. Whenever a Viper Mark VII takes the move action, they may move twice instead of once

If anything that is not a normal raider appears on the crisis card this turn, the pursuit track will reach the end and every cylon ship on the cylon fleet board will move to the corresponding space on Galactica.

With either a standard viper or a viper mark vii, a roll of 3-8 would destroy a raider while 1-2 would do nothing, a roll of 7-8 would destroy a heavy raider while 1-6 would do nothing, and a roll of 8 would damage a basestar once while 1-7 would do nothing.

Against a viper, a roll of 5-7 damages it while a roll of 8 destroys it. Against a viper mark VII, a roll of 6-7 damages it while a roll of 8 destroys it.

If a viper is damaged, it is moved to the damaged viper location off the board. If a viper is destroyed, it is removed from the game.

There is actually one more permissable action, transporting a civilian ship to safety if a viper shares a space with it. This removes the civilian ship from the galactica board and shuffles it back into the civilian ship deck.

Also, civilian ships are automatically destroyed if a cylon ship attacks one; there is no roll.

Let me know what you want to do @Hippolytus

If anyone has any suggestions for hippo, feel free to discuss.
