(Misc) Blood on the Forums 2 - Electric Fang Gu (Evil Wins)

I’m pretty sure it was modconfirmed in the signups phase.

im asking hosts now

i find it within the realm of possibility he just didn’t submit anything or say anything and the hosts interpereted that as self-visit

cuz im struggling to see how he called my bluff, and posted from a snake-charmer perspective early, as minion/demon

but now we play the “wait-for-tan-and-arete-game”

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I think this is probably the case if either:

  1. He’s the demon and got it as a bluff
  2. Wazza is the demon and whispered him one of his bluffs

whispered who?

but then why claim seamstress at all?
especially since that cant have been one of the bluffs

n.1 i swear to fuck, tell me your reasoning or i’m just going to assume you’re scum
cerenovus isn’t forced to only target town players

Only people I have whispered are:

Marshal - Literally didn’t talk, we’re just neighbours.
DirectorHail - Hail got mad at me for opening a whisper without his consent until I told him we were neighbours.
Magnus - Early game, Magnus wanted to switch claims with me, I refused as I felt my claim was powerful enough.
N.1 - Claimed to him :man_shrugging:

To seem like a more believable Snake Charmer? Since a real Snake Charmer would fake claim usually. Did he know that he was doubled up?

ah yes

serious pro strats

n.1 scum

I would like an answer.
Who did I whisper?

those who need to know should know; sorry, but no.
We execute who Geyde tells us to today; which at this point (probably?) won’t be you.

i don’t think he would have any idea he was doubling at the time

cuz i think the first time [redacted] claimed was d2

I didn’t consent

and i got his seamstress claim on d1

Ur the town kingpin
and this is a cartel now

he’s been running around for the past 24 hours claiming to have reasoning to believe that i’m scum
but whenever asked about it, he just says he’ll “reveal later”
never have i heard more bullshit
and i’ve played 3 games with emilia

I didn’t say you whispered anyone. I listed ways Hail could’ve known Snake Charmer wasn’t in play if evil. And since you’re his neighbor you could’ve whispered him. I wasn’t trying to say that’s what I thought was the case just possibilities.

Asking confirmed town to have to explain their reasoning is a meme

so in what world is he scum

who is cerenovous and/or minion who was poisioend by cerenovous
and then as scum is about to win

decides to gamethrow

You claimed I whispered someone.