(Misc) Blood on the Forums 2 - Electric Fang Gu (Evil Wins)

Logic is fact.
Fact does not have to be proven to be fact.

no, logic is not fact.

a piece of logic that does not have to be proven for it to be accepted as true is called an axiom
every other piece of information, if it is logical, must be proven from one or a set of axioms

fyi this is literally how modern mathematics is set up, so yes that system does work

irrelevant. no evidence pointing toward you having done so besides your word (which could easily be faked by scum)

If a hit a bird with a stone, it falls.
This is an example of logic.
If I drop an apple, it falls.
This is logic.

Both are factually correct.


This is why I don’t trust you to hold claims carefully.

Cuz I’m calling you a nerd?


that is cause and effect, one outcome of logic.

the bird falls because of an effect known as gravity

gravity happens because when two bits have mass they pull towards each other with a force equal to the product of their masses, times a constant, divided by the square of the distance between them.
the fact that when two bits have mass they pull toward each other is an observed fact about the universe, and in this case is one of our axioms

Because you don’t see why this conversation is a power struggle and not merely an intelligent conversation.

however, in order to prove that the bird would fall, we first need to accept gravity and observe the axiom

And we have strayed from our original conversation.
You have attempted to distract me, and nearly succeeded. For this, I congratulate you.

I see it’s a power struggle

But like also I think this conversation topic is pointless

That is why.
You cannot see how every detail matters.

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you got logic wrong.
as far as i am concerned, that is more important than our original conversation

Then how about we continue this discussion in a dm?

Yadda yadda

I pay attention to details

That’s my job

But ur “facts and logic” arguments aren’t helping the gamestate

See I would like that

i will stop this if marshal answers one thing for me

is magnus getting logic really wrong here or am i being an idiot

Y’all conversate there

Not clogging game thread with ur arg

And hopefully work thinks out