(Misc) Blood on the Forums 2 - Electric Fang Gu (Evil Wins)

I don’t use abilities, I get insta given feedback

Ignore me
I corrected this in a later post
I thought you were claiming a once per game ability
Forgot you weren’t

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Just saw this

I mean, I did claim to get feedback already so even if I did

I’ll make sure to reverse my result if I do survive

There are multiple people claiming once per game abilities that have actively chosen not to act any of the first three nights
And of course Hail who claims to have sat on his ass every day as snake charmer
Sorry I got you confused

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i think that might be the joke because it is kind of what the token looks like
it makes all info incorrect :eyes:

Also hi @Italy
You are dead today and there is nothing you can say or do that can possibly save you
You do not have the right to know why we are lynching you, and no, you never will.
Bai now.

well we have to to take down the vortex and coronavirus boys

also ur givving ur token to apprentice post-exe or are blatantly openwolfing

Don’t fucking test me.

You’re dead mate. Sorry

you’re claiming to have mech info that i’m scum
and that’s a load of bullshit because there’s not even a character that does that

You fucked up last night and that’s how we know lol
Please feel free to continue spewing.

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I didn’t act last night
The bullshit here is extreme


N.1 i can tell you’re just playing a fucking guessing game and acting like you’re really clever for doing it

It’s not a guessing game at all
I guess we’ll tell you after the game ends
But not now

actually @Italy i beleive you

you are doing the one thing that pisses me off more than anything right now