(Misc) Blood on the Forums 2 - Electric Fang Gu (Evil Wins)

I just don’t want to see people fight. When people fight, one person is guaranteed to get hurt. And there will be regrets in these situations. I just want everyone to be happy and I don’t want anyone to be hurt. Especially to the lengths both Marshal and Italy seem to be hurting. I think it’s just a misunderstanding and bad communication so I don’t want them to get mad at each other. It doesn’t look good for both of them. They both are fun and wholesome when they are happy. So I don’t want to lose that

Do it for the people

Sweet thnx bro


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Give me your data

I must consume



Oh that one thats easy. But Id have to tell you in whisper

its Arete they are a great hugger and make some good muffins. You should have tried some when you entered hell
dont tell anyone. Especially N1 he was being a meanie bo beanie Day 3

im finally not fucking mad anymore

if ur mad, whisper me ASAP

/whisper N1

however, i will refrain from revealing my actual class as it doesn’t matter RN


/whisper N1 again

Dat I’ll whisper you if you give me a vote token :slight_smile:

hmmmm maybe ill think about it

@Italy . . .
@Apprentice is mechanically confirmed Good Beggar
Give him your deadvote or you will be openwolfing
Except I don’t think you will, because we all know what you were.