(Misc) Blood on the Forums 2 - Electric Fang Gu (Evil Wins)

which would be a big Rip

even tho i didn’t make it lmfao

It’s so upsetting. Spending so many days trying to build a robot and only for it to be cancelled due to a dumb virus

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Now we are pretty much waiting for the quarantine

The state has ordered our school district to prepare 4 weeks of work in advance for online lectures

All universities in our area is are switching to online classes

So university programs may be halted aswell

They are even forcing students out of the dorms for a complete clean down

it’s negatively effecting basically everyone

i feel mega bad for the people who’s universities are switching to online, especially since housing on-campus is likely gone which deffo sucks

and my school might go online too if the coronavirus cases in westlake are confirmed

It’s so dumb. I will probably be in the quarantine area if NJ decides to mobilize the national guard

My county and the surrounding area is basically the epicenter for NJ

do you think you’re annoyed?
yesterday it took me an aspirin and several minutes of doing nothing but clawing at my leg to calm myself down
i have never genuinely had to take an aspirin for a forum game

We are the most densely populated area in NJ and right next to NYC and New Rochelle

can you just like fucking NOT for 5 minutes
stop using this goddamn AtE and just let me cool down for 2 minutes

I’ve never been this close to clicking “ignore” on a profile before

Am I gonna have to put HL in for you two?

Italy don’t get so worked up for FoL. I understand if the game can get infuriating but you are better than this. I know you can. Heck you have dealt with an Italian grandmother and mother most likely. I salute people who survive those long 18 years

See, you say that and I realize that I don’t even know if Italy’s Italian. I don’t think he is.

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Marshal just try and calm down. I know how it feels to be annoyed and angered but this isn’t the way. You can get through this and we can win game. Let’s just try and at least tolerate each other. In the end of the day we are all human and just trying to have a good time. I love you all <3

PLEASE do tbh

wouldn’t it be nice to just… ban needless rage-inducing comments and AtE

but thank you uni for your mega wholesome comments yet again

Uni, I know that Fabled aren’t players, but damn if you’re not being an Angel right now.

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imma go shower and cool off

thank you for being the no joke nicest person i’ve met online or IRL uni