(Misc) Blood on the Forums 2 - Electric Fang Gu (Evil Wins)

And mechanics must stay secretive
So come to my whisper chambers, now.

@Italy Would you like to giveth me your vote? It’s 10v4 so if you are good we still have 8 to 4 in votes

Why is Italy Rome now. People keep changing their names

/whisper @Geyde

My name is wtf

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NO ONE nominate until @Geyde provides his verdict please
Or you’ll be openwolfing.

I wont be awake for EoN so please make it snappity snappy D:

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@Wazza where the fuck are you mate?
@Geyde or I need your current information via whisper (NOT PUBLICLY) as soon as possible.

if Universal has not been nominated by right before you have to go to sleep, please override everything I said before and nominate him then.
Got it?

I’m going to sleep now >_>

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then you need to nominate him right now

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ignore what i said before
we cannot rely upon hail to nominate uni
meaning you are our only option
nominate uni now please.


For my info

Am I right?

I like to believe there’s another person who will voluntarily vote one of the baddies.

(3 baddies left?)

/nominate Universal
One good nomination down >_>

there are only two still alive. we know this.


/whisper N1

/denied for now sorry
If I need more from you later i’ll let you know, but ATM I have everything I need from you, and you still aren’t towncore, so I have no reason to speak with you.

I just wanted to clarify something in regards to the setup tbh.
I’ll just ask in class card XD

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Sleeping now



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@Shurian has nominated @Universal! Shurian may provide an accusation, and then Universal may provide a defense.

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