(Misc) Blood on the Forums 2 - Electric Fang Gu (Evil Wins)

I knew witch wasn’t going to be that galaxy brain last night (if shurian is good that is, which he might not be)

Thou information or deduction made by ghostly powers of the dead is of utmost importance in making thou nomination against the Universal…

And yeah do your nomination thing I wanna sleep

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no one else nominate until @Geyde appears and gives his verdict on Universal, or you’ll be openwolfing.

@Apprentice @Vulgard @Universal @DirectorHail @Wazza @Marshal

N.1: “Don’t nominate anyone or you’ll be openwolfing”
N.1: “Quickly nominate someone”
N.1: “Don’t nominate anyone else or you’ll be openwolfing”

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This is the meta

I know it’s just funny to see xP

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Its like a manager from the office

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yes, one franticly running in between his own employees and higher level managers that he himself answers to.

It’s like Micheal from the Office

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“Nobody panic. NOBODY PANIC!”

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(yes i know you’re basically confirmed good at this point, Apprentice. It was just a grandiose statement targeting all alive players.)

Anyone: breathes

N.1: so you’ve decided to openwolf


This is the meta now yes.

Wolves cannot live without breathing.

Anyone: Blinks
N.1: So you’ve choosen… openwolf


Wolves cannot go without blinking forever either.

So yes you could be a wolf if you breathe and/or blink.

This is some McCarthy trials level of logic

nominates someone just to see if N will declare me an openwolf

Sharia Law is now a thing here for a reason
And it’s worse than McCarthyism in several aspects.