(Misc) Blood on the Forums 2 - Electric Fang Gu (Evil Wins)

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So I know who is the Cerenovus or whatever

This info doesn’t seem to matter though since we need to kill demons?

We want to kill minions too!
Who is it?

I want to confirm some information first, aka neighbor chats.

I feel like I could be given some false info.

yeah that seems p importamt LUL

Alright, you do that, then come back.

Let’s say Apprentice who is the beggar is giving me info, do you think he’d be willing to it to me truthfully?

I mean, he thought I was Demon as a reactiontest, so…

Aren’t travelers told who the demon is? Seems like a stupid thing

Evil Travellers wouldn’t have done it.
Which means it was a reactiontest. Which means Apprentice is good. Which means Datbird is, too, assuming N.1 was telling the truth and isn’t malfunctioning.

Because everyone thinks I’m scum, I won’t get protects tonight, and I’ll be attacked, and I’ll be useless. This happens in 9 out of 10 worlds.

I’m like 60% sure N1 is demon right now. Also there aren’t protects in this format anyway

I meant to say mad not the demon lmao

Well i’m dead.
May as well out to make it happen.

/:b:isper apprentice

/accept Marshal

why lol?

I know that DatBird isn’t a nice guy so

I mean, there’s nothing to gain from this.