(Misc) Blood on the Forums 2 - Electric Fang Gu (Evil Wins)

You keep using that word, Vizzini. I do not think it means what you think it means.

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i tend to throw it around a bit too much; im sorry.

because there’s a limit to how many dead votes Apprentice can use each day

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Top 10 problems with this game:

  1. I was not given a creative death.

if we don’t keep the dead votes spread out enough, our voting power is crippled.

But yeah, Apprentice has not been here at all this day phase. If he doesn’t show up before the end of nominations, we need to nominate a corpse to try to get another day. Good has absolutely no chance of winning without him.

If the good have to rely on a neutral - traveller - then don’t we sorta deserve to lose?

He’s not neutral, he’s good.

And solving the game is the only real chance we have left to win, and Apprentice is the only person really capable of doing that.

this game has no neutrals.

I’m counting Travs and Outs as neutral because they aren’t explicitly stated as Town.
They are good or evil aligned, yes, but still neutral in my eyes.

You put too little faith in everyone else…

that’s a dumb way to look at them, but okay.
Socially and mechanically, they’re readable, just like everyone else.

…including yourself, weirdly enough. Usually, people who misconstrue their own abilities are overselling.

Doesn’t change the opinion, though.

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The only other people that we trust to have all of the information (Geyde and I), are either too inexperienced or too trash at this game to solve.

Shurian’s dead vote might be the final piece to the puzzle, but realistically, no one is capable of completing it except for Apprentice.

Someone remind me later that this post exists.




@Wazza @DirectorHail @Marshal @Universal @Shurian @Apprentice

Shurian is asleep and thus won’t be able to give his dead vote to Apprentice in time. Apprentice has been offline the entire day and I doubt he will show up in time before nominations end.

One of you (preferably Hail or Wazza, but if it comes close to the deadline, anyone works) needs to nominate a corpse before end of nominations in 5 hours, or we lose today.

It’s a paranoia trick. There’s nothing in the OP giving this away.